Review of Spare

Review of Spare

By Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex Reviewed by Marisa Stokley ABOUT THE BOOK It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana...

Favorite Royal TV Shows and Movies

Royal readers, every once in a while circumstances dictate we switch from reading our favorite books to watching royal stories unfold on our TV screens. While no media ever will compare to books for me, I admit that I’ve found an excellent secondary pleasure of...

Top 10 Favorite General Market Royal Reads

With the British royal family as inspiration for fictionalized retellings, the general market is filled with royal stories that satisfy the most avid readers of this beloved genre. (My list may be just a bit reflective of that obsession. What can I say? I never can...

Top 10 Christian Fiction Royal Novels

Royal readers, is there anything better for those of us who enjoy Christian fiction than a story than blends faith and royalty? If the growing popularity and award-winning success of the genre indicates anything, then no. As Christians, we believe that we are sons and...