Hold Her Close

(4 customer reviews)


Crown of Promise, Book 3



By Hannah Currie

Firstborn of King Lior and heir to the throne of Raedonleith, Lady Rose has always known what was expected of her—marry a prince, bear a child, continue the royal line. None of that involved confirmation weeks before her wedding that she’s barren. Nor her betrothed deserting her at the news. Through years of pain, bleeding and loss, her faith has kept her strong but this last blow strikes deep into her spirit. Rose knew she was broken. Now the rest of Raedonleith will too.

More comfortable amid books than battles, Prince Nicholas of Belairisia is as surprised as anyone when he claims Lady Rose’s hand for himself upon first meeting. In front of every noble in Raedonleith. But neither does he regret it. Though it’s impulsive and out of character for the studious prince, there’s something in Rose’s fragile beauty that captivates Nicholas. She’s the treasure he’s searched his whole life to find. Armed with patience and hope, Nicholas determines to wait as long as it takes to prove his devotion.

But when an attempt on Rose’s life forces King Lior’s hand, the two are thrust into a marriage neither of them are prepared for, and a journey through enemy territory which may end the relationship before it’s barely begun.


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4 reviews for Hold Her Close

  1. Talita Adendorff

    Such a beautiful story with a heroine who symbolises strength within weakness.

    Hold Her Close is the final novel in the Crown of Promise series, the story of Rose, King Loir and Queen Caralynne’s oldest daughter, and heir; the future queen of Raedonleith. It is a beautiful story, with a bookish, yet brave Prince, and a beautiful, yet fragile Princess.

    Hannah Currie once again weaves a tale of love, heartache, adventure, forgiveness, bravery, and family, with a strong spiritual element weaved throughout. It is the perfect ending to the stunning Crown of Promise Series, tying all the threads together in the end and bringing closure to the tale of the royals of Raedonleith.

    I really enjoyed it, would highly recommend the whole series, and was even surprised by a twist or two in the story.

    I was given a complimentary copy of this book, but the views and opinions are my own.

  2. Kathryn Pfeifer

    Hannah Currie has completely blown me away with her conclusion to the Crown of Promise series. In Hold Her Close, we have the story of Rose and Nicholas, whose journeys are a mix of pain, sacrifice, tragedy, and love. Currie blends these elements with such poetry, such passion, that the story engulfs your heart. You cannot help but FEEL every element of this book, from the trials of the hero and heroine, to the heart’s cry of the supporting cast.

    Although I felt the entire series was outstanding, I firmly believe Currie saved the best for last. Hold Her Close is a redemptive tale brimming with depth. This book was an honor to read.

    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  3. Margaret Nelson

    This is the third book in the Crown of Promise series. You definitely want to read the first two books, Bring Her Home and Guard Her Heart, first if at all possible.
    I ended up reading this entire book in one day. It sucked me in with brokenness, healing, strong faith, dealing with chronic illness and pain, sacrificial love, and so much more. The characters quickly became friends I wanted to know more about.
    I hate to see the series end.
    I received a complimentary copy this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  4. Anonymous

    So emotional. Achingly beautiful, heart-rending, yet healing. The most beautiful finale possible for the Crown of Promise series. Hold her Close has all the feels and truly touched my heart.
    I’ve always loved throughout the series how Lior represented a picture of the Father in heaven. The picture never shone so brightly as in Hold Her Close. While some of his thoughts on Cormac may have seemed impossible, his desire to forgive for example, to me it was a perfect example of how we too often fail to forgive, and yet our heavenly Father is full of mercy and loving kindness and offers forgiveness to all through his son, Christ Jesus. I truly loved the man Lior was in loving his daughters. A perfect type of God the Father? Of course not. Hannah Currie made it clear he was completely human and had failures. But no doubt, in the type of the parables, he was a wonderful type.
    As for Prince Nicholas? Loved his part in the story! He really is the perfect man for Rose–through and through!
    Rose’s determination/emphasis to be thankful through her trials was inspiring. Rose is, on the surface, the weakest of all her sisters, yet in many ways the strongest. Her story was beautifully written and I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to read an early copy.
    There are so many things I want to tell you about in this book, it’s so good….to try to do this book justice in a review…well, it would be all spoilers because I’d have to gush and explain all my thoughts about every single scene, and it would make an entire book, certainly not review-length! Hold Her Close has become a true favorite of mine, and I highly recommend it. Hold Her Close was my favorite in this series, and I so loved how Hannah based it on the Parable of the Pearl.
    And….if Hannah Currie ever “happened” to collect/finish/expand the ballads, poetry, and prayers in Hold Her Close and publish it separately….I would totally read it! They are so beautiful I believe I highlighted each one, especially the ballad and select prayers!
    I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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