Review by Marisa Stokley

About the Wedding
On April 29, 2011, the world celebrated as Prince William, heir to the British throne, married his college sweetheart, Catherine Middleton, during a fairytale wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, England .
Royal readers, does anything pinpoint Britishness more than the BBC or a royal wedding? With this production from the penultimate television station for everything British, the wedding of Prince William of the House of Windsor to commoner Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was presented as a feast for the eyes. Set against the backdrop of a dreary day in London, Westminster Abbey stood in its glory as the future princess stepped out of the car looking as if she were born to play the role. Prince William, clad in a red military-style jacket adorned with a sash and medals, looked on both calm and in anticipation while his bride walked down the length of the historic abbey’s aisle. This event was everything I imagined a royal wedding would be, from its classic orchestral music that began the ceremony to the newly married couple’s recession at its end. With scripture verses from the Bible bookending the exchange of traditional vows (with the exception of the word obey, which Catherine was the first royal bride ever to omit), Prince William and Kate’s wedding was a true fairy-tale ending to a courtship reminiscent of every Cinderella story. Earning four crowns out of five–the old-fashioned style of this BBC production did slow down the feel of it at times–this wedding is well worth watching at least once.
Disclaimer: I watched this BBC production of William and Kate’s wedding on DVD. I was not required to write a review, and this does not influence my review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.