Leading the Lost

Leading the Lost

Princess Moments Leading the Lost By Blakeney Welch The birds’ muted song bore testimony to the devastation that lay below them. Princess Kalen stared at the palace. Her home was no more. The place of such joy now lay in ruins. She couldn’t look at Sir Gavin, the one...
A Prince Comes Home

A Prince Comes Home

Princess Moments A Prince Comes Home By Lettie Bugg Filipe stared across the waters of the bay, barely noticing how their churning waves matched his inner turmoil. Mother was sick. That was what the last missive from his brother had said. Mother is sick but don’t...
Review of A Merry Scottish Christmas

Review of A Merry Scottish Christmas

A Merry Scottish Christmas Review by Marisa Stokley   About the Movie When estranged siblings Lindsay and Brad Morgan travel to Scotland at Christmas to reunite with their mother, Jo, a big family secret is revealed. * Movie description is courtesy of Rotten...