
(11 customer reviews)


Susa Chronicles, Book 1

Releases April 9, 2024 – Preorder Now to Get the First Chapter!

 If you can’t be invisible, be unremarkable.


By Megan Schaulis

As the orphaned daughter of a traitor, Novalise grew up in hiding with an outlawed religious group hated by the Crown. She dreams of aiding her people as a scientist and begs her overprotective brother for a chance to assist in his schemes against the government. All her hopes of making a difference implode when she’s kidnapped and forced to compete against the Enhanced—a group of highly trained, biologically upgraded young women—for a position as the king’s Protector.

Plagued by insomnia, King Zadien is still reeling from his father’s untimely death. When his council suggests a competition as the way to choose his new bodyguard, he lacks the confidence to oppose the plan. Given the role he played in his father’s murder, choosing the right Protector could mean relieving his guilt or repeating his worst mistakes. Can he trust the intriguing and beautiful candidate who’s nothing like the others?

 After discovering a long-hidden connection between the Enhanced and her father, Novalise realizes winning the competition would give her people the strategic advantage they desperately need. But is that leverage worth compromising herself, body and soul?

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11 reviews for Protector

  1. Kathryn Pfeifer

    There have been many retelling of the biblical account of Esther, but nothing comes close to Megan Schaulis’s rendition in her newest book, Protector. In spite of being set for a young adult audience, readers of all ages can enjoy this dystopian twist on a beloved story, where instead of a beauty pageant, we have a gladiatoresque contest for chief protector of the king. This fresh take on Esther’s story brings to life a struggle for freedom, palace intrigue, and a desperation to fight for faith and family. I was riveted the whole way through.

    And the best part… this is only book one in the retelling. I can’t wait to see what else is in store!

    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  2. Hannah Currie

    What an incredible story of faith, courage, and purpose. From first page to last I was utterly captivated by Novalise and Zadien’s story and the journey both of them take to discovering not only who they are but their purpose and reason to stand in a world determined to pull them down. Brilliantly written and imagined, Protector is a story that will stay with me a very long time. Can’t wait for book two!

    While I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publishers, I was not required to write a positive review (nope, that just came naturally!). All opinions expressed are my own.

  3. Joanna

    I could not put this book down – lots of twists and cliff hangers in each chapter! The creativity of the world-building is especially interesting and I look forward to more books in the series. The chapters alternate between Novalise’s pov and Zadien’s pov, with cute chapter headings that set the tone. The ninja aspect of the story really allows for fighting/combat that is not gory, which I think makes it approachable for many more readers.
    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  4. Talita Adendorff

    Absolutely brilliant!!!

    I’ve been looking forward to reading this book since I heard of a Dystopian retelling of Esther and I was not disappointed. This book keeps you captivated and I read every minute I got.

    The characters have depth and the story is interesting. It has romance, it has action, and enough intrigue to keep you hooked. You will love going on a journey with Novalise, Zadien, and Dex.

    I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good dystopian novel. I can’t wait for Book Number Two to come out.

    P.S. I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  5. Jeanti Steenkamp

    “Protector” by Megan Schaulis is an amazing book that once you start, you won’t be able to put down. It’s a beautiful retelling of the Esther tale set in a dystopian world, packed with action, suspense, romance, and great storytelling.

    From page one, it draws you in and keeps you coming back for more. I particularly enjoyed seeing the relationships between characters like Novalise and Zadien develop, as well as Novalise’s talks with Alpha. The emotional and spiritual journey the characters embark on is truly inspiring.

    Despite being categorized as a young adult novel, I recommend it to readers of all ages and eagerly await the next installment in the series.

    I received a complimentary copy this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  6. Candide

    Protector by Megan Schaulis was amazing!
    When I started reading the book I couldn’t put it down !
    I really enjoyed the story and I didn’t know when I started that it was a retelling of the story of Esther but I guessed it was straight away and then found out about it online 
    I think Megan gave me a new way to look at that story (that I already liked) and now I can understand more what Esther might have been through.
    It is a powerfull story and I loved how Novalise speaks to Alpha. I think this was one of my favorite parts of the book.
    I can’t wait for the second book to come out and read the end of the story !
    — I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone. —

  7. Lana Spelliscy

    What a debut novel for Megan Schaulis! This dystopian, YA story grips you from the first chapter and gives the reader a wild ride through to the last page. A whole new future for the world is set up in this book, with enhanced people sitting on top. Megan Schaulis builds a world around the reader with attention to details and wonderful description to paint a full picture. Then the characters add all the layers for a full story. They pull the reader in with their imperfect lives and trying to figure out how to move in the right direction for the greater good. Through faith and trust they all must learn how to forge the way forward.
    I didn’t want to put this book down for even a moment. I wanted more of the story and what would happen next. Then suddenly the book was finished but there is so much story left to experience and live. I can’t wait for the next book in this series! Megan Schaulis has shown she has a place in the top level of authors and I look forward to what she writes in the future. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

  8. Megan

    This re-telling of the Biblical story of Esther is seriously one of my favorite reads of the year so far! I was hooked right from the first page, and I did not want to stop reading. My only complaint about the book is having to wait until book two to see how it will all work out! You would never guess this is the debut book for this author, the way she weaves the story together and all the details she put into building her story world.

    Novalise is such a great heroine. Her story arc and all she went through to become a Protector was inspiring and kept me turning the pages to see how she would fare in the competition. King Zadien made a great hero. His struggles with guilt and the pressures of suddenly being the king were very relatable. I adored the sweet romance between him and Novalise and am excitedly looking forward to book 2 to see how their relationship will grow.

    The faith element was expertly done and woven into the book in such a way that it never felt preachy or forced. I think the faith struggles that Novalise has, wondering at times if Alpha is real or a figment of her imagination, were very relatable and added depth to her story. I so appreciated how the author showed that relationship as well. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

    I received a free advanced copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.

  9. Paty Hinojosa

    What an amazing dystopian retelling of Esther’s biblical story!
    This debut novel from the author is pretty amazing and shows already how promising her books will be! Megan Schaulis has created a unique world in the Kingdom of Susa, very advanced in technology and engineering, especially in solar and energy systems. I love how realistic everything sounds even if it’s not real!
    I won’t tell you much about the blurb because you can easily read it for yourself. But I can tell you that the plot full of unique turns and twists is completely unputdownable.
    The characters are so well developed, particularly Novalise -later Astra- and King Zadien. They were not perfect at all, each with their own flaws, fears and insecurities. But that’s why they felt so relatable. Novalise, always wanting to become more involved in her brother and friends team -a family of outcasts due to their religion beliefs- that infiltrates the Royal Citadel, finally gets her chance to prove herself. But is her new mission about proving her worth or about sacrificing herself for the freedom of her people? I loved her sassiness, her sense of humor and her courage too. King Zadien has his own demons to fight, carrying enormous guilt surrounding his father’s murder. Sleeplessness, anxiety are only few of the battles he’s fighting. Filling in his father’s shoes feels like an impossible burden full of exceeding expectations. But when he meets Astra. Who completely ignores his Royal status, he finally finds someone he can be himself with, who values him for who he is inside and not for his title or the power he beholds. But his hidden identity can’t remain like that forever. Will Astra forgive him and most of all, will she accept him with all his emotional baggage? The events keep you reeling and guessing as to what will happen next. The world of the Enhanced women -with astounding abilities due to nanotechnology injected in their bodies- was pretty intriguing and unique. I loved the friendship Astra finds in Lynelle and Dahlia, so human and loyal in spite of their superhuman condition. Novalise’s relationship with Dex, her half brother and protector, was realistic as she battles untrust and a possible betrayal. I loved how their relationship was restored at the end, and the way that was achieved. I also loved Novalise’s childhood friends, who were more like family: Berg, Lennox, Hatch. All so loyal and supportive. Loved their banter and different personalities. Loved the way the author describes the emotions and thinking from both main characters POV. Complex, yet genuine. my favorite part was Novalise’s relationship with her God, known as Alpha. their relationship was intimate, trusting, and not devoid of humor. You can sense Alpha’s unconditional love for Novalise, and it made me yearn for such a close relationship with God, with Jesus. Talking to him through your mind and heart during the day and is special moments. The faith inspiring message about trusting God, not your physical abilities, about forgiveness, about what’s really important in life, was priceless. The story isn’t finished, Novalise is just starting new mission in this book, so I can’t wait to read the next installment of Susa Chronicles! I’m sure is going to be as exciting or more than this one! This is a story I highly recommend, not only for YA, but for older adults the same. It’s amazing and captivating! I couldn’t get enough!
    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. This is my honest and unbiased opinion. I liked the book so much that halfway I bought my own copy!

  10. Mackenzie

    I received an early e-copy in exchange for an honest review. I loved it!!! It kept me on my toes and I didn’t want to put it down! It has a Dual point of view, which is enjoyable to see the main character development. It has a modern day spin on the story of Esther from the Old Testament.
    I can’t wait for the next book in the series!

  11. Kendall Hoxsey

    The story of Esther is one of my favorite bible stories. Every young woman can learn something about the strength and fortitude it takes to stand up for something or someone when you have everything to lose. Protector by Megan Schaulis invigorates the story and readers will be completely caught up in the story of Novalise and King Zadien. The characterization of the FMC and MMC show applicability for readers in the current world and the choices we all can make. The faith aspect is well woven into the world that Schaulis has created. Looking forward to book #2!
    I requested a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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