If you love all things royalty, then this is the place for you!
WhiteCrown, an imprint of the WhiteFire Publishing Group, is thrilled to announce the launch of this new line. All our stories will feature royalty in the lead and will be aimed at teens and adults together. We know that we never outgrow the love of "princess stories." In part it's the sparkly things...in part it's the pretty dresses...in part it's that sense of wishes and dreams come true. But mostly it's because we all long to be princesses. We long for that nobility. We love seeing outward reflections of our inward knowledge that we are daughters of the King of kings.At WhiteCrown, we combine faith and inspiration with that deep-seated love of what is noble and regal. We embrace it and celebrate it.
Coming soon on this page, you'll find information about our launching titles and authors, a shop where you can order not only books but royal goodies for use in your everyday life (and okay, those special days too!), articles, short stories, and so much more! Are you an author with a princess story? Check out our parent company's submissions guidelines at WhiteFire-Publishing.com/submissions ~ follow the instructions there and put "WhiteCrown Submission" in the subject line. To get all these updates as they appear, just sign up below for our newsletter!